LonelyBond #43 - GDC Is Here!
Hey everyone! How are you?

GDC is here!
I'm writing this a bit ahead of time so that I won't have to rush the post *during GDC itself* but I am really exited! Visiting in GDC is a dream of mine since I was in the 11th grade, and I'm finally here!!
I've went ahead of scedule to see the venue, and it is bigger than I imagined.
See that building in the photo? THERE ARE THREE OF THEM.

In more good news - I was able to put together a demo of the game for GDC!
I worked hard on trimming it to be a 10 minutes experience that contains humor, clever puzzles and hints to the plot of the game. Hopefully I've done a good job, but that is for people at GDC to judge :P
And now in bad news - my PC broke down right when I was leaving for San Francisco :(
LonelyBond is backed up, and it might be fixable, but it was a downer for a few hours.
Whatever happens, I'll fix it when I get back home.
And that is pretty much it!
I will keep you updated on how GDC was for me :)
See you next week!