LonelyBond #42 - Notebook Aesthetic Major Improvements!
Hello everybody! I hope you've had an amazing week :)

So... what do you think?
Wix is not allowing me to use any format other than GIF, and it makes it look a bit lag-y, but even when it's not at it's best I think it retains charm!
For those that don't know, the game has 2 main aesthetics - the first is the one you see me using all the time.
The 'real world' for the player is a pixel art look.
But once a character challenges you to solve a puzzle, it draws it on a piece of paper, and therefore the aesthetic changes to this!
There is a lot more work to be done from here in the future to make it look even cooler - but if you have any idea on how to improve this look, don't be shy and contact me!

Other than that look, I've worked for a bit on a few other cool things.
One of them was creating a look for the outside when it's dark. You can see the compensations above.

Another thing I worked about is... changing the main character from my signature lion to something else.
I've gone through a few iterations of what might become the new main character, but as I've done so I came to realize that... well... I don't want to change it anymore.
Nevertheless, you can see in the GIF above a simple mood animation I did, trying to capture the character I've considered at night.
Hopefully you like it :)
Well, that was all of it. Next week I'll be at San Francisco for GDC, so wish me luck!
I'll see you in the next one :)