Week #25 - More Music!
So... how do you do?
I've been working on music all week long, but I've finally managed to replace all the music in the game to be my own.
You can have a listen 3 of them here:
I think that I managed to improve, at least a bit (:
Also, you might wonder why I went to the length of doing this change right now (If it's only temporary music, why change to it?).
Well, that's because I applied for a booth at the Indie Mega Booth at 2 conventions in the US - Pax East and GDC.

It's far from a finished deal, but that is a step forward and I am hopeful. We will see what happens in the future (:
I also got a lot of feedback from the last playtest, and started to fix the major problems. Thank you very much for everyone that participated!
See you next week (: